Pregnancy Ultrasound and X-Ray

“Ultrasound is the ‘gold standard’ for detecting pregnancy and assessing the viability of the fetuses.”

Our prices for pregnancy check with Ultrasound is $96 (free in the case when we provide artificial insemination) and X-Ray is $220 (plus HST)

ultrasound pregnancy checkThe traditional method of detecting pregnancy in the dog and cat careful abdominal palpation (gently pressing on the surface of the abdomen with the fingers) to detect swellings in the uterus that signal the presence of developing puppies and kittens. This method depends on the temperament, size, and body condition of the bitch, as well as the timing of the palpation (the optimal time is between three and a half and five weeks of pregnancy), the number of fetuses present, and the experience of the person doing the palpation. Palpation is unreliable for determining the viability of the fetuses.

Abdominal ultrasound (pregnancy scan) – the best indicator of pet pregnancy.

The most reliable way of detecting and monitoring pregnancy is an abdominal ultrasound. Developing embryos can be detected as early as three weeks post-breeding and the viability of the fetuses can be determined throughout the pregnancy. Ultrasound is the ‘gold standard’ for detecting pregnancy and assessing the viability of the fetuses.

The advantages of abdominal ultrasound as a way of diagnosing cat pregnancy:

  • Abdominal ultrasound is easy to perform;
  • Abdominal ultrasound is low-stress on the mother (the pregnant animal can often be ultrasounded in a relaxed standing or recumbent position with only basic restraint);
  • Abdominal ultrasound does not usually require the use of drugs or sedatives that might harm the babies;
  • Abdominal ultrasound is very accurate at diagnosing cat pregnancy and it can be used to detect pregnancy at all stages of the gestation period from about 4 weeks gestation to full term. Only basic ultrasound skills are required for accurate pregnancy detection, although greater skills may be needed in order for such details as fetal numbers, fetal viability and fetal age to be determined.
  • Abdominal ultrasound as a means of diagnosing pregnancy is accurate in dogs as well as cats;
  • Abdominal ultrasound can still be used to make a diagnosis even in a very tense, handling-resistant pet. Abdominal scanning can still be performed through even the most tense and tight abdominal muscles;
  • It may be possible to determine litter size with abdominal scanning;
  • If there are only one or two fetuses present, these are usually able to be detected by thorough abdominal ultrasounding;
  • The viability of the babies can generally be assessed on abdominal ultrasound;
  • Ultrasound may provide some indication of when medical and surgical intervention is required in order to help a female cat to give birth;
  • Aging the fetuses is possible using abdominal ultrasound;
  • False positives and negatives are less likely with abdominal ultrasound;
  • Ultrasonography is safe for the unborn kittens.

Abdominal radiography (taking x-rays): 

Pregnant-dogThe bones of fetal puppies and kittens become mineralized (calcified) at around day 45 of their pregnancy. Radiographs taken of pregnant pets after day 45 of gestation will usually reveal whether or not the animal is pregnant because the radiographs will generally clearly reveal the skeletons of the fetuses. Before this 45 day stage of the gestation, pregnancy diagnosis using radiography is generally inaccurate. The vet may get a subjective impression of an enlarged uterus, but this does not necessarily indicate that the animal is pregnant (other disease conditions besides pregnancy can produce enlargement of the uterus).

The advantages of abdominal radiography as a way of diagnosing cat pregnancy:

  • Abdominal radiography is easy to perform;
  • Abdominal radiography as a means of diagnosing pregnancy is accurate in dogs as well as cats, provided that it is performed at day 45 and beyond;
  • Abdominal radiography can still be used to make a pregnancy diagnosis even in a very tense, resistant pet. Abdominal radiography can still be performed through even the most tense and tight abdominal muscles;
  • It is usually possible to determine litter size with accuracy on abdominal radiography;
  • If there are only one or two fetuses present, these are usually able to be detected on abdominal radiography;
  • Radiography may be able to provide some indication of when medical and surgical intervention is required for a female pet giving birth (e.g. if the babies are too large in size to pass through the canal or if a large new coming baby appears to be stuck within the canal);
  • Aging the fetuses is possible on abdominal radiograph;
  • X-ray visibility and accuracy is not usually adversely affected by the presence of gas, feces or tissues within the abdominal cavity (unless the animal has been eating lots of bones – bony feces will interfere with the vet’s ability to spot and count the “bony” fetuses);
  • The animal’s belly does not need to be shaved for radiography to be performed.
  • Radiography is safe for the unborn babies, if done only sparingly.