Physical Examination from head to tail and everything in between

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Full Exam for New Clients with not feeling well pets.

only covered for pets suffering:

– Diarrhea

– Coughing

– Weight loss

– Skin issues and allergies

– Anal sac problems

– Vomiting

Any presurgical examination (including dental, soft tissue surgeries and orthopedics) is our regular price $62 plus HST


Annual Wellness exam: As a part of our practice philosophy of “preventative wellness’ we recommend you bring your loved pet in at least once a year to have a full physical exam in our Vet Hospital in Richmond Hill. A complete history about your pet’s appetite, skin and coat condition, behavior and any other concerns you may have are all important information during these examinations and help our veterinarian and staff to assess your pet overall health. It also help us make the best possible recommendations to make your pet live a long and healthy life. Our experienced veterinarian is doing a complete physical exam for every pet before they are vaccinated or admitted for treatments, surgeries or hospitalization. With our experienced veterinarian, this can be done quickly and easily. Our doctor examines the animal thoroughly from head to tail and everything in between; and only after that gives informative and appropriate recommendations. Vaccinations could be given based on your pet’s overall health, vaccine history, lifestyle or titer testing.

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A full examination is always done before vaccines are given to ensure your pet is in good health. There are times when a veterinarian may postpone a vaccination if Dr. Sergiy Dariy feels the animal is slightly ill, has a flare-up of a chronic condition or perhaps give one vaccine then have you come back in a few weeks to receive the remaining vaccinations. These protocols are to provide your pet with optimum infectious disease protection while reducing any risks involved from vaccinations. We recommend to bring your pet in at least once a year (twice a year for senior pets) to have a comprehensive detailed physical exam. A thorough history forms an important part of your pets physical examination and it is an important part of the wellness exam. Questions about your pet’s activity level, appetite, drinking,  behaviour and any concerns you may have are all important information during these types of examinations and help our veterinarian in assessing your pet’s health.

There could be changes in your pet’s body that the veterinarian can find by doing a comprehensive physical examination. We often hear ‘my pet looks healthy’ but there can be some changes as your pet ages that may be a cause for concern. Having our veterinarians identify these changes and their causes is an important part of our clinic philosophy of ‘preventative wellness’ and these annual physical examinations can mean a longer, happier and healthier life for your furry loved friends.

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We like to weigh your pet at every visit to our clinic in Richmond Hill. This can provide us information and help us measure their body score. The weight changes may be linked to underlying health problems. Overweight pets are predisposed to arthritis, diabetes, liver and heart disease. Extra weight may be due to thyroid illnesses, fluid accumulation or excess calories. Weight loss may be related to dental disease , hyperthyroidism, inflammatory bowel disease, or even diabetes.

Our Technicians will first weight your pet and take your pet’s temperature. They will ask about any concerns you might have and answer questions relating to diet or behaviour before the veterinarian comes into the appointment.

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It is our veterinarians who will review your pet’s history, ask you additional questions about your pet’s health and then start the physical examination. Dr. Sergiy Dariy will check your pets’ ears, eyes, mouth and assess your pet’s frame and body score. You vet  may recommend that your pet would benefit from a dentistry and proactive dental care options and discuss that with you. Nutrition, behaviour and lifestyle will be discussed in order to get a picture of general health. If there are changes noted, our veterinarian will provide recommendations about treatment or diagnostics, or perhaps even suggestions for diet and exercise.