Richmond Hill, ON

Expert Spay and Neuter

By spaying or neutering your dog and cat, you are setting them on the pathway to a long, healthy life.
Provide great quality of life to your furry friends


Why is it important to neuter or spay my dog?

By spaying/neutering your dog, you are greatly reducing their risk of developing some serious conditions, such as pyometra, mammary tumours, prostate-related issues, cancers and many more complications.

How old should a dog or cat be before they are neutered or spayed with us?

Generally, we spay and neuter dogs between 6-7 months of age and ideally before their first heat. Some breeders of large breed dogs may encourage to wait until 12- 24 months. It is a decision that is best discussed with your veterinarian.

How much does it cost to neuter or spay ?

At Weldrick Animal Hospital, there are a number of factors that contribute to the cost of a spay or neuter. We offer additional services at the time of surgery, such microchipping, umbilical hernia repair, deciduous teeth (baby teeth) extraction, scrotal ablation, gastropexy and many more. We would be more than happy to present you with a detailed estimate prior to booking a procedure.

What it’s included in final cost?

All-inclusive cost (for dog and cat surgery) includes examinations, pre-surgical blood work, IV fluids, anesthesia monitoring, surgery, pain medication to send home, and post surgical exam.


Spay or Neuter Dog weight Fee (All included plus HST), under 6 years old
  • The cost is subject to HST.
  • <10 kg (<22 lbs) $500
  • 10 – 20 kg (22 – 44 lbs) $600
  • 20 – 25 kg (44 – 50 lbs) $750
  • 25 – 30 kg (50 – 66 lbs) $1600


  • The cost is subject to HST.
  • Neuter Cat – $260

Anything else?

  • If your furry friend requires Rabies vaccination or heartworm test (only dogs over 1 year old), the price will be $35 for Rabies vaccination and $55 for heartworm test. The cost is subject to HST.
  • None refundable deposit of $90 is required when you book your appointment. It will go back to your final cost unless you don’t keep the appointment for any reasons. It can be paid by credit card over the phone, cheque, paid in person, and money transfer. INTERAC e-Transfer will go to

Get in touch

Come and visit our hospital or simply send us an email anytime you want. We are happy to meet you and your beloved furry companion.


9580 Yonge Street, Unit 109,
Richmond Hill, ON L4C 1V6

Call us

905 237 7387

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